Romanian Diversity Chamber Of Commerce
ED&I is not a matter of political correctness. It is the key to growth
Activitatea noastră
RDCC is a non-profit organization that activates in the fields of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion by providing different types of services and activities for its members and partners, for the business communities interested in achieving a level of ED&I inside their organisations, for people belonging to minority groups and for society at large.
Unde activăm și cui ne adresăm
RDCC’s headquarter is on 11 Dr. Nicolae Turnescu street, ground floor, Bucharest - district 5.
The Romanian Diversity Chamber of Commerce is a forum for activities that bring together the business communities and business leaders at national level with a diverse group of stakeholders, including Women, LGBTQ+, Roma, Disabled, Seniors and other disadvantaged groups.
Furthermore, RDCC is targeting allied businesses in order for them to gain procurement opportunities with large corporations by providing them access to our exclusive Business Enterprise Supplier Diversity certification.
Valorile și misiunea
RDCC‘s mission is to economically enfranchise Women, LGBTQ+, Roma, Disabled, Seniors and other disadvantaged groups by developing business skills, contacts and opportunities within the framework of diversity in partnership with like-minded organizations.
We strongly believe that combining our members and partners’ efforts will greatly support our progress towards achieving our goals, catalyze further conversations and actions around diversity and inclusion within the workplace and foster collaboration among our members.
RDCC aims to work - together with its members, partners and collaborators - towards greater diversity within workplaces, industries, and broader economy sector in Romania and to cultivate meaningful, positive change for our society with a focus on:
achieving a high level of public recognition, involvement and engagement in promoting diversity in business;
supporting and developing economic activity by and between local diverse businesses and international corporations;
fostering economic enfranchisement of disadvantaged groups by developing business skills, contacts and opportunities within the framework of diversity in partnership with like-minded organizations;
nurturing a society where disadvantaged groups have an equal place at the table and become an essential part of the engine that makes the Romanian economy run;
encouraging and promoting disadvantaged groups as potential customers – capitalize on their sheer number and collective purchasing power to make them attractive targets.
Organizations that simply look at diversity as a trend are missing out on the depth and value that a truly diverse and inclusive organization brings. Romanian Diversity Chamber of Commerce is a space that has built along the way an environment that paves the way for the future of diversity and inclusion in Romania. Our approach is to enable businesses to take a more in-depth look at the core of their business operation and growth and see how a ED&I culture can make a difference. But if they get diversity and inclusion strategies wrong, our future millennial workforce will leave.
Resurse pentru angajatori
Our vision is to create a business organization that promotes professional development opportunities, community resources and networking events, while at the same time offers a certification program useful to multinational businesses that wish to ensure the diversity of their business partners.
RDCC is offering the following set of services & activities:
• Certification program - a system to certify businesses as ED&I compliant (through a comprehensive set of criteria and indicators)
• Networking events
• Business exposure - via our official channels
• D&I Task Forces - a series of 5 task forces on the following pillars: TF on Gender Equality, TF on Certification, TF on LGBTQ+, TK on Ethnicity and TF on Disability.
• Needs assessment & trainings for members - consultancy, customized trainings & workshops, systemic change coaching, in partnership with relevant civil society organizations, to foster a diverse, equal, inclusive and respectful workplace aligned with our organizational mission, business practices and objectives.
• Library - a free section with stats, studies and reports that address crucial data and information that can be useful for any organization and workforce on the topics of: disability, ED&I, ethnicity, gender equality, LGBTQ+ and seniors.
• Affiliate Chambers - a virtual network of affiliated organizations across the country and abroad, with the purpose of working together in promoting Equality, Diversity and Inclusion across business communities.
Resurse pentru candidați
• Careers in ED&I - promoting ED&I job offers from our members, partners and other organisations that have a diversity hiring innitiative, RDCC is facilitating the access to careers and reaching out to a diverse pool of applicants.

Perry Zizzi
RDCC President, Managing Partner @Dentos Romania
Gender equality is not only a matter of legal rights, but also of economic opportunities. As part of itțs mission, the Romanian ChamberOfCommerce promotes womențs leaderhip and business opportunities for local companies owned or managed by women. We expect the new task force to work with other groups to establish a set of agreed actions to help meet these priorities.

Her Excelence Therese Hyden
Ambasador of Sweden to Romania
The first step to wards diversity and inclusion is to counter discrimination. But ensuring diversity and inclusion is more than non-discrimination. It is about mobilising everyonețs potential. As leaders and managers, we have a particular responsibility to gather this potential and to engage ourselves beyond familiar routines. Diversity and inclusion stimulates creativity and innovation. This ultimately benefits our operations and activities - proficiently and financially.